Email Marketing And The Cold Call

Cold call email marketing is becoming less and less effective in both return on investment (ROI) as well as recipient conversion. So why do so many online businesses continue to use leased or purchased lists to market their business.

In some cases the email marketing plans that are developed are used by affiliate revenue sites that are looking to capitalize on their new venture. The net effect is not much different than a telemarketer call during the evening meal – not welcome and completely disruptive.

It is easy to see why some might think that mass coverage email marketing is a good idea. The premise is the more people who receive the email, the more likely client conversions there will be.

While this approach may be touted as one of the best ways to tap into a potentially huge market I’d like to explain why this approach rarely works.

1.  Cold calls don’t work. Reports continue to surface that indicate whether it is face-to-face or online cold call marketing is highly ineffective. This is why there are fewer and fewer door-to-door salesmen. Gone are the days when a vacuum cleaner salesman would show up at your door and practically insist on showing you how the vacuum works and why it will save you time and money. I think it is very likely that telemarketing has made cold call marketing extremely difficult.

2.  Cold call marketing is rarely targeted. Most email lists that can be purchased or rented are not developed to pass along specific details on the buying habits or personal interests of the email addresses listed. There may be a few, but most of the time they are simply addresses that have been gleaned from a variety of sources and are simply sold to those most willing to pay.

3.  Spam filters hate cold call marketing. If you are sending material that was not requested by the recipient it is likely the majority of spam filters will catch and detain the majority of cold call email marketing. Because of undesired marketing emails spam filters have adjusted to take note of what types of emails should never be allowed to reach the recipient’s inbox. Sometimes an email will slip through, but most of the time they will not.

So, if cold call email marketing isn’t a good idea then how can an online business owner work to market their product?

The best ways is to validate your email marketing list before sending any email to the bulk emails. Use Email verification services like email checker to clean your email list and deliver emails 100% inbox. 

It all starts with strong Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies and traffic building achievements. Work to provide new visitors the opportunity to “opt in” to an email delivery service that will inform them of new details about products and also offer discounts and coupons to those receiving the email.

When you send email to these individuals spam filters may not view it as unwanted email. Recipients may be more likely to read these emails because they are already familiar with your products and/or services.

A smaller group of motivated customers can do much more for your online business than thousands of hostile recipients who may have no interest in your product and zero tolerance for spam.